Welcome to Task Insurance Surveyors & Loss Assessors
Task Insurance Surveyors & Loss AssessorsTask Insurance Surveyors & Loss AssessorsTask Insurance Surveyors & Loss Assessors
+91 9560490100 | 9837575722
Behind -G3S Cinema, Delhi 110085

Cat Losses

Cat Losses

A catastrophe loss refers to a type of loss that is extremely serious and random. In other words, it is one that has a devastating effect and cannot be foreseen. Thus, it is very difficult to prepare for without insurance. Catastrophe insurance exists to prevent individuals and businesses from suffering immense financial losses in the event of a major disaster.

The following are the Cat Losses
Kurnool Floods – 2009
HUD HUD Cyclone – 2014
Chennai Floods – 2015
Vardha Cyclone – 2016
Kerala Floods – 2018
Pethai Cyclone – 2018
Titli Cyclone – 2018
Fani Cyclone – 2019
Amphon Cyclone – 2020
Hyderabad Floods – 2020
Yaas Cyclone – 2021


  • E-2/10, Sector-11, Behind- G3S Cinema, Rohini, Delhi 110085
  • +91 9811130932
    +91 9560490100
    +91 9837575722
    +91 9910385854
  • tasksurveyors@gmail.com



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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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